Cardiff, Doctor Who visit

24-27 March 2009

This week, a group of Doctor Who fans from the Doctor Who forum went to Cardiff for a week, to meet up with the group of fans living there, to visit locations, to get to know new members of the group and be reunited with old friends from previous visits. Lucy joined them from Tuesday to Friday...

On Wednesday, we had a paintballing game, Squee Squad girls against Kinda lads. Here we are all putting on our gear!

Some of us got some very nasty and painful bruises - I was lucky and only got 2, neither of which was as bad as this!

We went to 6 different zones and fought 2 games in each one, returning to the safe zone for drinks and more paintballs after each one.

Me after a successful game where I actually managed to 'kill' someone! I did kill 4 people during the day, but was killed myself about 6 times! Unfortunately the final score was severely in favour of the Kinda lads, showing that they are ungentlemanly and girls are nicer!

After washing the paint from my hair and hands back at the hotel, I had time to go round the Doctor Who exhibition with 2 of the others. Here is the 10th Doctor's suit.

Lucy trying to get into the TARDIS!

A Cyberman, an iconic DW monster from a parallel Earth

And of course the most famous monster of all, the Daleks - 'exterminate'!

The costumes worn by the 3 main companions - Rose, Donna & Martha

A new Doctor Who alien, known as the Ood

Another old favourite, K-9, being very gently stroked by Lucy!

The dashing Captain Jack's costume

Back outside, we visited the Torchwood Tower, one of the entrances into Torchwood

But Lucy can't get the paving slab to drop down as it does in the series - possibly the wrong slab?

Lucy trying the Torchwood back entrance, also with no luck!

A view over the Cardiff Bay

The following morning was a location hunt - here is the house used in the brilliant 3 series episode 'Blink'

Lots of DW fans scouting round

Then it was on to the graveyard used in the Christmas special 'The Next Doctor' - here we are re-enacting the Cybermen attacking!

Then into central Newport, where we found the record shop used at the end of 'Blink'....

.... and the alleyway into which the Doctor & Martha run, in search of '4 things and a lizard'!

In 'School Reunion', series 2, a Krillitane perches on this building

While Rose, the Doctor and the others are in this cafe opposite

After lunch we visited another 'School Reunion' location, this beautiful park - here is the path where Sarah Jane and K-9 disappear into the sunset at the end

And the place where the Tardis lands, now taken over by our group!

On my last morning we visited St Fagans, where much of 'Human Nature' and 'Family of Blood' from series 3 was filmed. This is the cottage they hide in near the end

This cat was unfazed by our group staring at him!

The ironmongers where the famous scene with the piano, the cricket ball and the pram takes place. The Doctor and Joan approach along this path

And the hall where the dance takes place, before the Family attacks

Another group photo

And the shed in which Martha hides the Tardis

And after lunch, there was just time for a trip to the beach where the Doctor and Rose say their farewells

Also known as Bad Wolf Bay

We thought this was about where the Tardis landed!

The group again, commemorating a great visit - squee you all another time!


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Unless otherwise stated, all images copyright (c) Stephen and Lucy Dawson